Monday, January 14, 2008

OpenWrt on Linksys NSLU2

With a help from a online few resources (listed below), I was able to flash the firmware of a Linksys NSLU2 (Network Storage Link for USB 2.0 Disk Drives) to utilize a more capable OS with more options than provided by the default firmware.

Future plans include installing and setting up:

There are many other devices (e.g. available ASUS WL-500g Premium, Buffalo NAS devices, etc.) that can be flashed with various operating systems (DD-WRT, OpenWrt, etc.) that provide additional better and more options and features than the stock firmware that is included with the devices. These embedded devices utilize Linux. Searching online for these OS and devices yields a multitude of projects, forums, and documentation. Here is a sampling for the flashing the NSLU2:

NSLU2-Linux - OpenWrt / HomePage

Kamikaze 7.09 on NSLU2

Wiki about OpenWrt on NSLU2

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Windows 2003 Server OS Unnecessary Services

The following are list of some unnecessary services that are not needed (depending on the services being performed) on Microsoft Windows 2003 Server OS:

  • DHCP Client - Dhcp
    Not needed if using static IP addresses
  • Print Spooler - Spooler
    Not needed if there is no printer to be used
  • Help ad Support - helpsvc
    Not needed if not planning to use Windows built-in help
  • Windows Audio - AudioSrv
    Not needed if there are no audio devices to be used
  • Wireless Configuration - WZCSVC
    Not needed if there are no wireless devices to be used
Although the following URL is about Microsoft Windows XP, it is still a relevant resource.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Printing PDFs

Creating Portable Document Format (PDF) files from applications that do not natively create the format is helpful when trying to maintain formating of a document, making it easy to share with others, or printing at a later date. For example, when purchasing an item online, the final order step will often suggest you print the page for your records or you discover an article online which may only be published for a short time that you want to save for your personal reference which. What if you do not want to waste psychical paper and ink or toner, or you are working on a system that does not have connectivity to a printer?

Consider printing to a PDF file. Some applications such as OpenOffice provide the ability to export to a directly to a PDF file (see the File menu). However, by default, applications such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer do not provide this functionally.

Discover CutePDF Writer <>.
Installing this free software package along with the free (and required and recommended) Ghostscript writer will create a new printer on your system called "CutePDF". Whenever the need arises to create a PDF file for the current document you are viewing, simply print it and select "CutePDF" as your printer. You will be prompted for a filename and location. Once the "printing" process is completed, a PDF file

CutePDF Writer supports Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista (x32/x64).

(Apple OS X natively supports printing to PDFs - so I am told.)